Click the tabs below to learn more about each Sacrament
The Sacrament of Baptism initiates one into the believing Christian community. This Sacrament brings new life by water and the Holy Spirit and frees us from sin.
- Adult Baptism — The Baptism of adults occurs after inquiring into the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA). This process is the way in which non-Catholic adults may inquire into Catholic beliefs and practices and become Catholic Christians. People participating in this process meet weekly on Monday evenings. If you would like to join the OCIA process, contact the parish office at (618) 526-7746.
- Child Baptism – Age 6 and Younger — Prior to Baptism, parents are required to attend a preparation class. Baptism Preparation classes are held monthly, the location rotates between St Dominic, St Augustine, and St Anthony in Beckemeyer. If you have a child to be baptized, complete the form below or call the parish office at (618) 526-7746.If you have a child older than 6 that you would like to have baptized, please contact the parish office at (618) 526-7746.
Reconciliation (also known as Confession or Penance) is a sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ in His love and mercy to offer sinners forgiveness for offenses committed against God. At the same time, sinners reconcile with the Church who is also wounded by our sins. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is held every Saturday from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm or by appointment. Special ASA and YFF Reconciliation times are held throughout the year.
During Advent and Lent, the priests of the surrounding parishes lead the community in communal prayer services followed by individual confessions.
First Reconciliation — Children prepare for First Reconciliation during second grade after having received a year of religious education through a Catholic school or Youth Faith Formation. Children wishing to receive First Reconciliation must be attending weekend masses and attend All Saints Academy or Youth Faith Formation, as well as participate in the First Reconciliation preparation program during the fall. First Reconciliation is celebrated each year during Advent with a special communal Reconciliation service for the students and their families. The Sacrament of Reconciliation includes examining our conscience, the act of confessing sins and asking for forgiveness, receiving absolution and doing penance.
Confirmation is a sacrament of initiation which completes baptism through sealing in the Holy Spirit and anoints the recipient as priest, prophet, and king.
The parish prepares children to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation beginning in eighth grade. The Rite of Confirmation culminates in May with the reception of the sacrament.
Adult preparation for Confirmation is separate from the young teens. Adults are confirmed at the parish through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) on Holy Saturday.
Please contact the office for information on confirmation.
Children prepare for First Holy Communion during second grade, after having already received a year of religious education. Children wishing to receive First Eucharist must be attending weekend masses and attend All Saints Academy, Youth Faith Formation or an approved homeschool program. First Holy Communion is celebrated each year during the Easter season.
Marriage in the Catholic Church, also called matrimony, is the covenant by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life and which is ordered by its nature to the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring. When we participate in the Sacrament of Matrimony, we are participating in God’s beautiful creation process, as we fulfill what He intended for our lives.
Throughout marriage preparation the couple grows in their understanding of one another and themselves, thus becoming co-creators with God in the process of creation. They create love. And, as the couple realizes the presence of God in each other, they grow spiritually.
At St Dominic’s, we desire to help couples prepare personally and spiritually for a fulfilling and powerful Christian marriage. Engaged couples are required to participate in Pre-Cana classes or an Engaged Encounter, as well as preparation with the parish priest.
To begin your marriage preparation, please contact the parish office at (618) 526-7746. Please arrange one year in advance.
The Church today encourages the celebration of this sacrament when one of the faithful “begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age” (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 73). If one recovers, the sacrament may be administered again later. Someone who is ill may be anointed before a serious operation, as may the elderly when they become notably weakened with the advance of age.
Periodically during the year, the Sacrament of Anointing the Sick is celebrated at Mass for all of those who need the grace of healing and hope provided in this sacrament. Parishioners are invited to ask for anointing and to celebrate it with complete faith and devotion. If you wish to be anointed, please call the parish office at (618) 526-7746 to make arrangements with the priest.
God calls holy men and women to serve Him and the Church through sacred orders (bishops, priests and deacons) and the religious life. The Sacrament of Holy Orders is that by which Catholic men are ordained into the priesthood. While all the baptized share in Christ’s priesthood, the ministerial priesthood shares this through the Sacrament of Holy Orders in a special way.
The Priesthood or religious life might be the way God is calling you to follow Him! If You are considering the priesthood or religious life, please visit for information and resources. You can also contact our parish priest at (618) 526-7746.
The passing of a loved one is very difficult. However, it is also a time to celebrate the life they lived while here on Earth. At St. Dominic Parish, we want to walk with you through this journey.
The Catholic Church’s funeral rites are full of powerful prayers, consoling liturgies, and most importantly, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass – all offered to implore God’s mercy for the deceased. Much more than a celebration of life, the Mass is the ultimate prayer, a participation in the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus.
During office hours, please call our parish office at (618) 526-7746 to make funeral arrangements. It is traditional that family members perform the ministries during the funeral. However, if this is not possible, the parish office can find someone to perform that ministry for the Mass.
Though not a sacrament, the Parish is ready to assist you with your needs.